How much noise will your ear muffs reduce? 

The NRR or (SNR) on your EarMuffs

NRR (Noise Reduction Rating) is the American standard for measuring noise reduction. It indicates how many decibels the hearing protection device can reduce. The higher the rate, the greater the noise reduction on the deivce.

Some HPDs (Hearing Protection Devices) will show the European Single Number Rating (SNR). SNR is the European standard for measuring noise reduction. It is similar to NRR but reflects European safety standards.

NRR is a few decibels lower than SNR. There is no exact conversion rate, but SNR values are typically about 3–5 dB higher. For example, a hearing protector with an NRR of 25 dB will have an SNR of appr. 28 dB.

The Noise Reduction Levels Impact Performance and Comfort

Higher ratings provide better protection from loud noises and noise hazards.

This is an examples for a high NRR hearing protection on Amazon:

Most common NRR rates for high quality earbuds and ear muffs would vary between 22 and 30.

A woman covering her ears with a pained expression, surrounded by various over-the-ear ear muffs in different colors and styles, highlighting the need for effective hearing protection.